Session 1: Asthma Diagnosis & Management
This session provides a broad overview of asthma prevalence, diagnosis, goals of therapy and tools to identify and recognize how to assess asthma control.
Presentation slides:
Asthma Diagnosis & Management Presentation Slides Management Presentation SlidesEvaluation
At the conclusion of this training course the participant will be able to:
- Recognize the prevalence of asthma in Michigan and world-wide.
- Identify and assess asthma diagnosis using appropriate tools.
- Describe best practices for optimal asthma management.
- List asthma control strategies including self-management.
The course is intended for nurses, social workers, advanced practice providers, medical assistants, community health workers and other care team members who are seeking to expand their knowledge and skills.
FREE for members; FREE for non-members
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Continuing Education Credits
Continuing Education Credits Available: Nurses & Social Workers
Session Contact Hours: 1
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content for this activity.
In order to receive credit for this activity, the learner must register for each webinar, attend the full recorded webinar, complete the evaluation and submit the evaluation. Upon receipt of the evaluation, the certificate of completion will be awarded.