Advanced Engagement Training Continuing Education Certificates
Thank you for participating in the training. Click on the appropriate continuing education certificate below:
Nurses Certificate
Nurse Advanced Patient Engagement Continuing Education Certificate_12-2023
This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Wisconsin Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Approval valid through: 09/06/2025
Contact Hour(s): 7.5
Conflict of Interest: There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content for this activity.
In order to receive credit for this activity, the learner must attend the full course, two simulations with feedback, complete the self-study and the evaluation. Upon receipt of the evaluation, the learner will be redirected to a webpage where the certificate of completion will be awarded.
Social Workers Certificate
Social Worker Advanced Patient Engagement Continuing Education Certificate_12-2023
This course is approved by the NASW-Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative.
Approval valid through: 08/31/2024
Course approval #: 082223-05
Contact Hours: 7.5