Treatment of Pain with Substance Use Disorder Learning Series
This learning series is comprised of three recorded vignettes that will explore pain management considerations for individuals with or with a history of substance use disorders. Each recorded vignette is a different topic and is available for on demand viewing and enduring continuing education credits.
This learning series is comprised of three independent vignettes that were created to address the understanding and confidence of having a serious illness conversation. In the vignettes the learner will explore the purpose of a serious illness conversation, the difference from an advance directive, and the three key components of the Serious Illness Guide. These […]
This online learning activity will review the differences between an advanced directive and a living will, the types of durable power of attorney documents, considerations when selecting a patient advocate and examples of advanced care planning conversations. This activity is provided as a resource and it is an addendum to the Serious Illness training. It […]
This online learning activity will review pain management considerations when managing the patient population with end-stage chronic conditions. This activity is an addendum to the Serious Illness training and it is highly recommended to complete that training prior to participating in this activity. Successful Course completion includes: Participate in the entire course. Complete the course […]
This learning activity will review the diagnostic and classification criteria, screening tools, treatment options and support strategies for patients with depression. At the conclusion of this training course the participant will be able to: Be able to more clearly differentiate between reactive depression and major depression. Demonstrate familiarity with comorbidities and other conditions that […]
This learning series is comprised of five recorded vignettes that provide an overview of the history, legal aspects, risks, barriers, benefits, and tips toward the pragmatic use of cannabis products to manage chronic pain. Each recorded vignette is a different topic and is available for on demand viewing and enduring continuing education credits. Please note, […]
This learning series is comprised of seven recorded vignettes and two optional practical skills application simulation activities that provide the key components to successfully implement SBIRT (Screening, Brief Interventions, and Referral to Treatment) a model to screen and coordinate treatment for alcohol (AUD) and substance use disorders (SUD). The key components include screening for AUD […]
This two part online learning activity will review pathology, medication management, and support strategies for patients with asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Each session is a different topic and is available for on demand viewing and enduring continuing education credits.